Corporate law – Governance.

Governance is central to the life of businesses and organisations.
It must be approached from multiple directions to appreciate the challenges and particular nature of its environment associated with its form (legal structure, listed/unlisted, public or private, start-up, SME, Mid-cap, international group, association, or other not-for-profit organisation), with its shareholder structure (family or not, private or public capital, joint venture, etc.), and with its corporate purpose and objectives.

Governance is also a tool for preventing disputes between shareholders.

Akilys has developed renowned know-how in governance and is regularly engaged by French and international groups, investment funds, public organisations, associations & other bodies and by corporate management to diagnose, define, and implement an appropriate legal and fiscal architecture.

Akilys staff also support businesses in their integration of social and environmental issues surrounding governance and the implementation of best practice codes, or the introduction of anti-corruption tools.

Our support.

We also handle all tasks and formalities involved in legal administration of companies and groups:


  • Creation, appointments, resignations and revocation of corporate offices, head office transfers, new establishments, etc.
  • Capital increases, reductions, divisions, amortisation
  • Mergers, splits, partial asset contributions
  • Annual approval of company accounts, account filing formalities, distribution of advances on dividends, etc.
  • Dissolution and liquidation
  • Monitoring, updates and archives of legal registers

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